however , this text produced various theories: nichiren focused on the meaning of a word ' myoji ' (family name ) and considered ' myoji soku bodai ' (family names are bodhi ) as similar to ' bonno soku bodai ' (earthly desires are bodhi ) and indicated conversion by ' myojisoku (when you listen to shobo (the phase lasting 1 ,000 years following the death of the historical buddha ) the first time , you realize that all laws are buddhism teaching ), ' not just denial of religious precept; or laws of shakyamuni and precepts are not valid in mappo , so only kongoho kikan clarified by nichiren , the principal object of worship , is the precept in mappo . ただしこの文章は、日蓮が「名字即菩提」をなどと、「名字」の語義に注目し「煩悩則菩提」などと同じく、「名字即(初めて正法を聞いて一切の法はみな仏説であると覚る位)」による転換を指し示したもので、単なる戒律を否定したものではない、あるいは「末法無戒」とは釈尊の法や戒律が末法では通用しないので、本仏である日蓮が明かした金剛宝器戒こそが末法に於ける戒律である、等々さまざまな説を生むきっかけとなった。
kien studied further into the art of divination ( ' ekigaku ' in japanese ), and based on his own philological theory did he advance a ' kaibutsu-ron ' theory (literally , ' kai ' means opening and ' butsu ' means objects , the ' kai-butsu ' referring to a method of grasping the meaning of a word by voicing it so as to understand an object via name ) which interpreted a relationship between ' name ' and ' object ,' and published books annotating many basic literature for confucianism (which literature was called ' keisho ' ), the books including " roshi " (lao tzu or lao-tse or lao·zi; literally " master lao " ), " soshi " (zhuangzi or chuang-tzu; literally " master zhuang " ), " resshi " (liezi or lièzĭ or lieh tzu; literally " master lie " ) and " rongo " (lunyu in chinese or analects in english , also known as the analects of confucius ). 易学について研究を深め、独自の言語論により「名」と「物」との関係を解釈する開物論を唱え、「老子」「荘子」「列子」「論語」など多くの経書に対する注釈書を著した。